
Hotwire in Ruby on Rails: A Comprehensive Guide

In the ever-evolving world of web development, Ruby on Rails has always been at the forefront of simplifying how we build web applications. With the release of Hotwire, Rails continues to push boundaries, offering developers a new way to create rich, interactive web applications without heavy reliance on traditional JavaScript frameworks like React, Vue, or Angular. Hotwire is all about fast, efficient, and simple real-time updates, leveraging HTML over the wire.

As someone deeply involved in the Ruby on Rails community, I have witnessed firsthand the evolution of how Rails handles interactivity on the web, and Hotwire represents a significant leap forward. In this article, I will provide an expert breakdown of Hotwire’s core concepts, how it compares to other approaches, and why it’s a game-changer for Rails developers.

What is Hotwire?
Hotwire (HTML Over The Wire) is a new approach to building modern, interactive applications without the need for writing extensive JavaScript. It’s a suite of tools built into Rails that enables you to send HTML directly over WebSockets or traditional HTTP, dramatically reducing the amount of custom JavaScript required. Hotwire is composed of three main parts:

  1. Turbo: Turbo is the heart of Hotwire, handling page loads, real-time updates, and lazy-loading content.
  2. Stimulus: A minimalistic JavaScript framework that enhances your HTML by adding behaviour and interactivity.
  3. Strada: A less prominent part of Hotwire (still evolving), which aims to bridge the gap between web apps and native mobile apps.
In essence, Hotwire allows developers to create reactive and dynamic web pages without writing heavy, complex JavaScript. It embraces the Rails convention-over-configuration philosophy and sticks closely to the server-rendered approach, delivering great user experiences with minimal overhead.

Why Hotwire Matters
The traditional approach to building interactive web applications often involves relying heavily on client-side JavaScript frameworks like React or Vue, which can introduce complexity and require additional layers of state management. These frameworks make it easy to build dynamic interfaces, but they also come with several trade-offs:

  • Increased bundle sizes and slower load times.
  • Complicated client-side logic and debugging challenges.
  • Complex state management across the server and client.
Hotwire addresses these issues by keeping most of the logic on the server side and using standard HTML for updates. This approach results in:

  • Faster performance: HTML is sent over the wire instead of JSON, eliminating the need to manipulate the DOM manually via JavaScript.
  • Simplified codebase: You don’t need to create and maintain complex front-end JavaScript code or deal with complicated state synchronization between client and server.
  • Improved developer experience: By reducing the need for additional tools and frameworks, Hotwire simplifies the development process and enhances Rails’ core strengths: simplicity, convention, and productivity.
Key Components of Hotwire
1. Turbo
At the core of Hotwire is Turbo, which is divided into several parts, each focusing on a specific feature of modern web applications:

  • Turbo Drive: Automatically intercepts link clicks and form submissions, sending requests asynchronously without needing to write custom JavaScript. The server responds with HTML, which Turbo updates in the browser seamlessly.

  • Turbo Frames: Allows you to divide a page into small, self-contained sections (frames) that can be updated independently from the rest of the page. This enables partial page updates without requiring full reloads.

  • Turbo Streams: This is where real-time functionality shines. Turbo Streams allow you to push server-side updates to the client over WebSockets, updating HTML without page reloads or AJAX calls. Perfect for real-time features like notifications, chats, or collaborative editing.

  • Turbo Native: For those building mobile apps, Turbo Native integrates your web application with native mobile functionality by bridging web views to the native app shell.

Example: Using Turbo Streams
Let’s say you want to update a list of comments in real-time. With Turbo Streams, you can stream updates from the server to your Rails view without writing any JavaScript:

class Comment < ApplicationRecord
  after_create_commit { broadcast_append_to "comments" }

erbCopy code<!-- app/views/comments/index.html.erb -->
<%= turbo_stream_from "comments" %>

<div id="comments">
  <%= render @comments %>
This simple setup ensures that whenever a new comment is created, it gets broadcasted to all connected clients in real-time, updating their view instantly without a full page reload or manual JavaScript handling.

2. Stimulus
While Turbo handles the majority of dynamic updates via HTML, there are times when you’ll need to sprinkle in some JavaScript behaviour. This is where Stimulus comes into play. Stimulus is a lightweight JavaScript framework designed to complement server-side rendered HTML by adding interactive features to your web pages.

Stimulus works by enhancing your HTML with minimal JavaScript. You attach behaviour to your HTML elements via data-* attributes, keeping the logic simple and tied to the DOM.

Example: Using Stimulus for Form Validation
Let’s say you want to validate a form field on the client side. With Stimulus, you can easily add this functionality without complex JavaScript code:

javascriptCopy code// app/javascript/controllers/form_controller.js
import { Controller } from "stimulus"

export default class extends Controller {
  static targets = ["name"]

  validate() {
    if (this.nameTarget.value === "") {
    } else {

erbCopy code<!-- app/views/users/_form.html.erb -->
<div data-controller="form">
  <input type="text" data-form-target="name" onkeyup="this.validate()">
In this example, Stimulus allows you to easily tie your JavaScript behaviour to specific HTML elements, making it a perfect fit for Rails applications that follow the “stimulus reflex” approach: progressively enhancing your server-rendered HTML with interactivity.

Hotwire vs. Traditional JavaScript Frameworks
So why choose Hotwire over more established client-side JavaScript frameworks like React or Vue? It comes down to simplicity, performance, and developer productivity.

  • No JavaScript fatigue: Many developers find the JavaScript ecosystem overwhelming due to its fast pace and constant need to learn new tools and frameworks. Hotwire eliminates the need to keep up with complex JavaScript libraries, allowing developers to focus on server-side logic and HTML.
  • Better performance: By leveraging HTML updates instead of JSON responses that require client-side processing, Hotwire offers faster initial page loads and fewer round trips to the server.
  • Fewer dependencies: Rails developers don’t need to add additional tooling like Webpack or Babel. With Hotwire, everything is handled within the Rails ecosystem, reducing external dependencies.
Real-World Use Cases for Hotwire
Hotwire shines in use cases where real-time updates and responsiveness are critical, but you want to avoid the complexity of building a full client-side app. Here are some practical applications:

  • Real-time chat or messaging systems: Turbo Streams can handle real-time updates for chat applications or customer support systems.
  • Collaborative document editing: Using Turbo Frames and Streams, you can build collaborative tools where multiple users can edit documents simultaneously.
  • Live notifications: Keep users informed with real-time notifications without building a full JavaScript frontend.
Final Thoughts: Why Hotwire is the Future of Rails
Hotwire represents a natural evolution of Rails’ philosophy of simplicity and convention over configuration. By minimizing the need for complex JavaScript and focusing on HTML over the wire, it enables developers to build fast, dynamic web applications while keeping the majority of logic on the server.

In a world where JavaScript-heavy frontends have become the norm, Hotwire offers an alternative that restores balance, leveraging the best of server-side and client-side technologies without overwhelming the developer with unnecessary complexity. Rails developers looking for an efficient and maintainable way to build modern web applications will find Hotwire to be a powerful, game-changing tool.

As Rails continues to evolve, Hotwire stands at the center of its future—making it easier than ever to build responsive, real-time, and interactive applications with minimal JavaScript and maximum Rails magic.

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