
Building an E-Commerce Store with Rails and Stripe Checkout: Full Tutorial

In this step-by-step guide, we’ll build an e-commerce store using Ruby on Rails with a session-based shopping cart, and integrate Stripe Checkout for payment processing. We’ll cover every necessary step, from setting up the application to processing payments through Stripe. I would assume that you have basic knowledge of ruby on rails. This is just the basic to give you an idea of how to implement this strategy.  Please consider adding admin for access only to upload and make changes to products and all the backends. I could do a part 2 to this if requested.

Table of Contents

Setting Up the Rails Application
2. Creating the Product Model
3. Implementing a Shopping Cart using Sessions
4. Checkout Process with Stripe Integration
5. Allowing Product Image Uploads
6. Final Thoughts and Next Steps

1. Setting Up the Rails Application
Let’s start by setting up a new Rails project.

  1. Create a new Rails application:

  2. rails new ecommerce_store
    cd ecommerce_store

  1. You can build an authentication system from scratch but that is very time-consuming, plus devise already has all the functionality we need.

  2. Install Devise (optional but recommended for user authentication):
  3. Add the gem to your Gemfile:

  4. gem 'devise'

  5. Then run the following commands:

  6. bundle install
    rails generate devise:install
    rails generate devise User
    rails db:migrate

  7. Set up the home page:

  8. Open config/routes.rb and set the root path to the products index page:

  9. root 'products#index'

  1. Install Stripe gem:

  2. Add the following gem to your Gemfile for Stripe:

  3. gem 'stripe'

  4. Run bundle install to install it.

2. Creating the Product Model
Let’s create a Product model with attributes like title, description, price, and stock.

  1. Generate the Product model:

  2. rails generate model Product title:string description:text price:decimal stock:integer
    rails db:migrate

  3. Add validations to the Product model (app/models/product.rb):
  4. class Product < ApplicationRecord
      validates :title, :price, :stock, presence: true

    Create the ProductsController:

  1. Generate the controller:
  2. rails generate controller Products

  1. Define CRUD actions for products (app/controllers/products_controller.rb):
  2. class ProductsController < ApplicationController
      def index
        @products = Product.all
      def show
        @product = Product.find(params[:id])
      def new
        @product =
      def create
        @product =
          redirect_to @product, notice: 'Product created successfully.'
          render :new
      def product_params
        params.require(:product).permit(:title, :description, :price, :stock)

  3. Set up routes for products in config/routes.rb:
  4. resources :products

  1. Create the views:

    • app/views/products/index.html.erb:
    • <h1>Products</h1>
        <% @products.each do |product| %>
          <li><%= link_to product.title, product %> - <%= number_to_currency(product.price) %></li>
        <% end %>
      <%= link_to 'New Product', new_product_path %>

  1.     app/views/products/show.html.erb:
    • <h1><%= @product.title %></h1>
      <p><%= @product.description %></p>
      <p>Price: <%= number_to_currency(@product.price) %></p>

3. Implementing a Shopping Cart Using Sessions
Now we’ll create a session-based shopping cart to store items as users browse the store.

  1. Generate a controller for the cart:

  2. rails generate controller Carts

  1. Define actions for the cart in app/controllers/carts_controller.rb:
  2. class CartsController < ApplicationController
      def show
        @cart_items = current_cart
      def add_item
        product = Product.find(params[:product_id])
        cart = current_cart
        cart[] ||= { 'quantity' => 0 }
        cart[]['quantity'] += 1
        session[:cart] = cart
        redirect_to cart_path
      def remove_item
        cart = current_cart
        session[:cart] = cart
        redirect_to cart_path
      def current_cart
        session[:cart] ||= {}

  1. Set up routes for the cart in config/routes.rb:
  2. resource :cart, only: [:show] do
      post 'add_item/:product_id', to: 'carts#add_item', as: :add_item
      delete 'remove_item/:product_id', to: 'carts#remove_item', as: :remove_item

  1. Create views for the cart (app/views/carts/show.html.erb):
  2. <h1>Your Cart</h1>
    <% if @cart_items.any? %>
      <% @cart_items.each do |product_id, details| %>
        <% product = Product.find(product_id) %>
          <h3><%= product.title %></h3>
          <p>Quantity: <%= details['quantity'] %></p>
          <p>Price: <%= number_to_currency(product.price * details['quantity']) %></p>
          <%= button_to 'Remove', remove_item_cart_path(product_id:, method: :delete %>
      <% end %>
    <% else %>
      <p>Your cart is empty.</p>
    <% end %>

  3. Add "Add to Cart" buttons to product views:

  4. In app/views/products/show.html.erb:
  5. <%= button_to 'Add to Cart', add_item_cart_path(product_id:, method: :post %>

4. Checkout Process with Stripe Integration
Now we’ll integrate Stripe to handle payments.

  1. Set up Stripe:

    • Sign up for a Stripe account and get your API keys from the Stripe Dashboard.

    • Create environment variables for STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY and STRIPE_SECRET_KEY in config/credentials.yml.enc:
    • stripe:
        publishable_key: pk_test_xxxxx
        secret_key: sk_test_xxxxx

  2. Add Stripe to the application by creating a Checkout controller:

  3. rails generate controller Checkouts

  1. Set up Stripe Checkout in the CheckoutsController:

  2. class CheckoutsController < ApplicationController
      def create
        product = Product.find(params[:product_id])
        @session = Stripe::Checkout::Session.create(
          payment_method_types: ['card'],
          line_items: [{
            name: product.title,
            amount: (product.price * 100).to_i,
            currency: 'usd',
            quantity: 1
          mode: 'payment',
          success_url: checkout_success_url + "?session_id={CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID}",
          cancel_url: checkout_cancel_url
        respond_to do |format|
          format.js # renders create.js.erb for Stripe redirection
      def success
        # Handle successful payment logic here
      def cancel
        # Handle canceled payment logic here

  1. Set up routes for the checkout process in config/routes.rb:
  2. post 'checkout/create', to: 'checkouts#create'
    get 'checkout/success', to: 'checkouts#success'
    get 'checkout/cancel', to: 'checkouts#cancel'

  1. Create the Stripe Checkout view in JavaScript (app/views/checkouts/create.js.erb):
  2. var stripe = Stripe('<%= Rails.application.credentials[:stripe][:publishable_key] %>');
    stripe.redirectToCheckout({ sessionId: '<%= %>' });

  3. Add a checkout button in the cart:

  4. Modify the app/views/carts/show.html.erb:
  5. <%= button_to 'Checkout with Stripe', checkout_create_path(product_id:, remote: true %>

  6. Ensure you handle payment success and failure properly:

  7. In the CheckoutsController, after payment success, clear the cart and display a confirmation message.

5. Allowing Product Image Uploads
To add image upload functionality, we’ll use Active Storage.

  1. Install Active Storage:

  2. rails active_storage:install
    rails db:migrate

  3. Attach images to the Product model:

  4. Update the Product model to support images:
  5. class Product < ApplicationRecord
      has_one_attached :main_image
      has_many_attached :gallery_images
      validates :title, :price, :stock, presence: true

  1. Update the product form to accept image uploads:

  2. In app/views/products/_form.html.erb:
  3. <%= form_with(model: @product, local: true) do |form| %>
      <div class="field">
        <%= form.label :main_image %>
        <%= form.file_field :main_image %>
      <div class="field">
        <%= form.label :gallery_images %>
        <%= form.file_field :gallery_images, multiple: true %>
    <% end %>

6. Final Thoughts and Next Steps
You now have a basic e-commerce store that allows users to:
  • View and add products to their cart.
  • Use Stripe Checkout to process payments.
  • Upload product images.

From here, you can improve the application by adding features like:
  • User authentication with Devise.
  • Order history and confirmation emails.
  • Enhanced image handling with MiniMagick for resizing.
  • Only allow admin to upload products and product images.
This tutorial serves as a foundation; you can extend it based on your specific requirements.

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