
Rise of the Dawn

In the quiet hush before the day,
When shadows dance and dreams sway,
A spark ignites, the light of dawn,
A promise that the night is gone.

Through the valleys steep and wide,
Where doubt and fear often reside,
Lift your gaze, and there you’ll see,
The path to where you’re meant to be.

With every step, though hard and long,
You’ll find your heart, your strength, your song,
For in the struggle, courage grows,
And with each challenge, wisdom flows.

So rise, dear soul, and face the sun,
The battles fought, the victories won,
For you were made to stand and shine,
A light of hope, a force divine.

In the rhythm of your breath, you'll find,
The melody that calms the mind,
And in each beat, the truth will show,
That where you are is where you’ll grow.

So walk in faith, and let it be,
A journey of your destiny,
For every day’s a brand new start,
The dawn of courage in your heart.

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Im a mother and i speak what is on my mind

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